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Powers of SEBI under Companies Act 2013
It has the authority to create and regulate the stock exchange by law.
It has the authority to issue a notice to anyone suspected of being a terrorist and can question them under oath.
It can check documents, accounting books, and any intermediaries.
SEBI has the authority to inspect any document witness under the supervision of the Security Commission to prevent any fraudulent activity.
Role of SEBI
SEBI’s major goal is to oversee the laws and regulations in order to prevent malpractices and frauds. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEBI) assists in the representation of investors’ interests. SEBI was established to safeguard the interests of three distinct groups.
It is in charge of policing security market malpractices and fraudulent transactions.
It is in charge of broker and sub-broker registration, also regulates insider trading and punishes those who engage in it, and aids in the flexibility of the stock market’s operation.
To avoid any sort of fraud, the SEBI supports investor education and intermediary training.