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Eating Ghee Good or Bad In Pregnancy
Ghee is one of the vital ingredients used for cooking in India. When a woman is pregnant, she is often suggested to eat desi ghee, especially by the elders of the family, as it is considered to help in normal delivery. Ghee is good to consume a moderate portion of grass-fed cow ghee every day when you are pregnant. Unlike other dairy products, desi cow ghee is easier to digest and acts as a metabolism booster. But if you are overweight or obese, then you may want to limit it to some proper amount of your consumption.
Benefits of Consuming Ghee During Pregnancy
-Assists Baby’s Growth
-Stretch Marks in Pregnancy
-Natural Stress Reliever
-Regain Lost Vitality
-Natural Tonic
-Desi Ghee for Before, After Pregnancy
-Manage Digestive Issues