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Create Inspiring Learning Environments: My Funiture Story's Design Services
My FUNiture Story helps schools, residential complexes, play areas, and daycares space design and implementation service. Creating spaces that foster creativity, independence & resilience. Our philosophy is centred around supporting growth in various forms of development stages.
Contact us for Furniture and School supplies
No classroom is complete without a set of vibrant, comfortable, and Safe furniture for children. We design and develop size-appropriate school supplies from table chairs to wall games.
Furniture for School
Connect for customization
Furniture designed in a range of materials as per customer requirement
Finished with non-toxic paints and oils
Visit our website: https://www.myfuniturestory.com/designing-learning-spaces-for-schools/
Contact us for a free consultation: 9836330245
Find us at: Harrington Mansion, Flat 27,8, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700071